Friday, March 18, 2011

Angry Birds

Earlier this week I was sitting in a frien's office with several other adults enjoying a little fellowship.  And then it happened!  All the ipad and iphone users including me began to compare notes on a game called "Angry Birds."  Before you know it we were all on our respective Apple powered devices trying to get past one more level.  At this point all real fellowship stopped because we were all so absorbed in this silly little game where birds are attempting to get rid of pigs (really cute graphics by the way).  The whole thing made me say I am starting a 12 step group for Angry Birders.  At which point one ardent Angry Birder said, "I do not have a problem."  Well, isn't denial the first sign that you do have a problem? :)

Anyway I could write for days on the effect that technology is having on genuine intimacy and effective communication.  My students will tell you my soap box for this topic is very big!  However that is not what I felt the Holy Spirit whispering as I was trying to master level four of the St. Patrick's version of Angry Birds. 

The sense that I had was that the Holy Spirit was asking, "What is this drive to just get past this level, to move up, to have mastery?"  Seems I do this in many areas in my life and by so doing I miss the beauty of the process.  God is much more interested in process than in results because it is in the process that we learn to walk with Him and become like him. It is in the process that we learn to hear and respond to His voice.  I love 2 Corinthians 3:18, we "are being transformed into his likeness with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."  Are being transformed sounds like a process to me!  We are works in progress by a Holy Spirit process!

By the way we become more like Him as life rubs up against life.  We become more like Him by spending time together in genuine fellowship.  I am not sure the App store can facilitate that but a 12 step group might. Hmmm!


  1. awesome...yep, technology is a handy little tool for the devil to help us take our eyes off our we need a lot of help there! I've gone cold turkey. Haven't touched Angry Birds in at least two weeks! ;)

  2. Hello, my name is Leslie and I'm a technoholic.
